Creating Blog is nothing,but creating successful blog or business is something & something is only gained after learning the basic levels to Increase Search Engine Optimization (SEO).Internet world is confusing and ever-growing.Readers face various difficulties in finding the right content.If you are reading this post then that means that you are exactly confused blogger.After searching a lot you go for Learn Basic Levels To Increase SEO.I must say that you are at the right place.Don't get nervous.
Optimizing your website (SEO)brings mass readers and traffic sources.Though it must be difficult for you because you are a newbie.I will try my best to make it easy as possible for you.
To me creating blog is nothing,all it's require address and template and you are live.You can't be called real time blogger until you implement all the basic levels to increase SEO.
Now have a look on Learning Basic Levels To Increase Search Engine Optimization (SEO) For Enhancing the criteria and visibility to get more traffic.
SEO Basics:
SEO basics include various topics which are necessary to be discussed an act upon.SEO basically comprises of different parts.As A-levels requires O-Levels.After doing O-level we go for A-level.I'm going to represent basics levels of SEO on the basis of their priority and importance for Search Engine Optimization.
1-Content Quality:
The first basic priority to be victorious with search engines optimization requires Content.Content is basic powerful tool.It has the most higher qualities for basic SEO.It is always be considered to be top while searching and researching for SEO.Content is necessary in SEO As guns are necessary in wars.Quality should be interactive,strategic and authentic.
If nothing possible,try posting quality content.Post reasoning content which compel the readers to spend more and more time on your website.Google analytic's notice automatically that all readers are mutually interacted with your blog(by spending several hours and minutes) and they optimize your blog for better results in search engine.
Researching keyword is quite helping,There are various tools that inform you what people are searching for different content.One of the most popular online tool is Google Adword.
Suppose you have created a blog of curing "Malaria".you tell people ways to preventing malaria & use didn't use good and unique content then Google will skip your website location from better pages because of non-authentic and non-updated information .
Content quality can only be enhanced by using country language.Don't try to post only in English.Try explaining in your mother language which may proved to foundation of millions visitors.
Never Think about bypassing:
It's idiotic move to think that Google will not check for their content and pass it on the front page.Think yourself,if it was really possible,then why would every professional blogger's waste their time searching for better content.
Second most essential weapon is word.Words are supposed as the basis for attracting people attraction.After Quality and researching,go finding for words.What are words?Suppose you have created a blog post on "Learn Basic Levels To Increase SEO"then you have to use this word again and again until your post ends.Use where it necessary.Don't use on foolish lines.Use on suitable and matching lines.
Look,I have created a blog post "Learn Basic Levels To increase SEO"and I'm using it again and again.Google usually put that on front page because Google think that may provide authentic information because same words are repeating again and again.Also do a Keyword research for more chance to get thousands of visitors.
3-Content Engagement:
Content Engagement can only be expected in well-written and creative content.Content engagement basically require following criteria:
4-Quality Content
7-Hot story
9-Professional Looking Blog
10-Attracting Content
If you meets the criteria give above,then you can expect readers engagement and different activities on your blog.
Suppose if someone searched on Google and find your web,if he bound back right after opening,then this is not content management.It's called useless content.So try posting attracting Content
Expect the unexpected,No one knows when Google put your blog for better results and optimize your search engines visibility and criteria.
If every reader spend lot of times on your blog,then it means you have completed on of the most essential SEO level.You will get mass traffic.
2-Do you break hot topics?Are among the people who usually break the hot topics?
3-Do you update your Articles?
Content Freshness is basically an utmost priority for popularity of blog in Search Engine Optimization.
Google seeks freshness and updated articles,the one he find the most reasonable and attractive get the opportunity of getting mass traffic by nothing.After someday Google automatically send your article in descending because of further fresh articles updated on Google.You can judge the importance of freshness and update from this example.Keep your articles up to date.Choose a day in week,in which you must update and fresh your articles to maintain their position and standard.
5-Page Titles:
Try indicating your page titles by page tag which is indeed my self-tested successful experience.Title tag helps both of Search Engines and Readers what the content is about.The title tag must replaced by <title> with <head>tag by going into layout template HTML.Creating a unique title for each post enhances visibility of your web.
If you article pop up in Search Engines.The title tag will take opportunity to display earlier by the rest of data and title etc.
Title may describes the name of your brand,Business and Niche etc.
Choose title which suits the content written in article.Avoid writing other title.Suppose you are about to post article "7 basic Levels of Foundation Of SEO"then title tag must be related to this.Title tag should be like "Levels Of Foundation Of SEO".
Levels of Foundation Of SEO will appear immediately after the search.Each of your page have unique title tag so Google easily know that how your web is different from other websites and companies.
Use descriptive but short titles which may fit your content.If you give large title tag then Google will only show small part of title,while the rest will not be shown because of length.
Be aware that Title tag must not be unneeded,it must be faithful and useful.Though Page Title are an important source of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
6-Meta Tag:
Meta Tag gives a short summary of your whole content to Google and each reader.It describes what is your content about?What is the theme of article?It can only be few words or may be 2-3 sentences,not longer than this.Further tag will result in decreasing traffic.
It is replaced in <head>tag of your template HTML.
Meta Tag are essential because Google might use them as snippets
for your whole content.If your meta tag meet various readers queries,then you will get the chance of front page and open directory websites.Creating meta tag for your post has always been a good practice for both readers and blogger.Blogger get the views and reader get the right information.Bolded words are the letters which match the readers queries,the more matches you get,the more chance it become to bring mass traffic which may prove to be the foundation of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
URL is another essential way of completing foundation of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).Choose unique and rare url,should be less in words and numbers.Make them fun to remember and easy to type.In this way you get jam traffic by getting direct URL traffic.On the other hand if URL is long and descriptive then there is no chance to get jam traffic,Because no one is ready to remember difficult words and letters.
If you type short title suiting your content may prove to bring you at high levels.Because queries of reader will more match your content and Google will be compelled to show your article.
Fighting Uphill Battle:
Fighting uphill battle may take months,if you started on the basics from the day you have read this topic,otherwise it requires even 5-10 years for fighting uphill battle or you are going to remain on the last page forever.If you don't want to learn Search Engine Optimization BASICS and their importance world-wide.SEO is indeed business,millions are getting money by teaching other SEO,what's wrong if you learn it online for free,even it's better than those of academies and expert's.
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